05) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書05) *GNB* Jesus in the Line of Succession to Melchizedek// Warning against Abandoning the Faith

[Hebrews 05]

[HEBREWS]  希伯來書 05

[A] Jesus in the Line of Succession
       to Melchizedek

01/Every high priest is chosen
<from the fellow- men>
and appointed to serve God
<on their behave>,
to offer sacrifices and offerings
<for sins>.

he himself is weak <in many ways>,//
he is able to be gentle <with those>
{who are ignorant and make mistakes}.

03/<and> <because>
he is himself weak,//
he must offer sacrifices
<not only> <for the sins of the people>
<but also> <for his own sins>.

04/No one chooses for <himself>
the honour of being a high priest.

## It is only by God's call
{that a man is made a high priest-
<just as> Aron was.

05/<In the same way>,
Christ did not take upon himself
the honour of being a high priest.

## <Instead>,
God said to him,
"You are my Son;
today I have become your Father."

06/He also said<in another place>,
"You will be a priest <for ever>,
<in the line of succession to Melchizek>. 

07/<In his life on earth>
Jesus made his prayers and requests
<with loud cries and tears> to God,
{who could safe him <from death>.

## <Becuse>
he was humble and devoted,//
God heard him. 

<even though> he was God's Son,//
he learnt <through his sufferings 
to be obedient.

he was made perfect,//
he became the source (of eternal salvation)
<for all those>
{who obey him}.

God declared him to be High Priest,
<in the line of succession/ to Melchizedek>.

[B] Warning  against Abandoning
      the Faith
011/There is much to say 
<about this matter>,
it is hard to explain to you,
you are so slow to understand. 

12/There has been enough time
<for you> to be teachers,
you still need someone to teach you
the first lessons (of God's message).

## <instead of eating solid food>,
you still have to drink milk.

13/Anyone {who has to drink milk}
is still a child,
<without any experience> 
(in  the matter of right and wrong).

14/Solid food,<on the other hand>,
is for adults
{who <through  practice> are able
 to distinguish between good and evil}.

.....................................................[Hebrews] 05 ///