02) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書02) *GNB* The Great Salvation// The One Who leads to Salvation

[Hebrews 02]

[HEBREWS] 希伯來書 02

[A] The Great Salvation

01/That is 
why we must hold on <all more firmly> 
to the truth
{we have heard}, 
<so that> we will not be carried away.

02/The message 
(given to our ancestors <by the angels>) 
was shown to be true, 
those{who did not follow it or obey it} 
received the punishment
{he deserved}.

03/<Then>, how shall escape 
if we pay no attention
to such a great salvation?

The Lord himself first announced this salvatio

04/<At the same time>
God added his witness to theirs
<by performing all kinds of miracles and wonders>
<by distributing the gifts of the Holy Spirit>
<according to his will>.



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