01) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書01) *GNT*

GNT [Hebrews 01] 

Good News Bible (Holy Bible)

給現代人的福音 (英中雙語)
保羅 [直覺法]英文聖經教材
希伯來書 Hebrews 01 (第一章)

@[01/A] God's Word through His Son

01)<In the past days在古時候>
God spoke神說話 to our ancestors對我們的祖先
<many time許多次 and in many ways用許多的方法>
<through the prophets藉著先知們>.

<in these last days在這末後的日子>
he has spoken祂己經說話 to us對我們
<through his Son藉著祂的兒子>.

He is the ONE
{through whom God created the universe},

he is the ONE
{whom God has chosen to possess all things
<at the end>}.

03)He reflects  the brightness (of God's glory),
he is the exact likeness (of God's own being),
sustaining the universe
<with his powerful word>. 

 <After achieving forgiveness for the sins 
(of all human beings)>,

he sat down <in heaven>
<at the right side of God>,
(the Supreme power).

@[01/B] The Greatness of God's Son 

04)The Son was made greater <than the angels>,
<just as>
the name{that God gave him}is greater <than theirs>.

God never said to any of his angels,
"You are my Son,
today I have become your Father."

#Nor did God say about any angel,
"I will be his Father
and he will be my Son."

when God was about to send his first-born Son
into the world,//
he said,
"All of God's angels must worship him."

<about the angels> God said,
"God makes his angels winds,

and his servant's flames of fire."

08)<About the Son>,<however> God said,
"Your Kingdom will last  < forever and ever>!
You rule over your people with justice.

09)You love/ what is right /and hate/ what is wrong.
That is/ why God has chosen you
and has given you the joy (of an honor) 

<far greater than> he gave to your companions.

10)You, <in the beginning>, created the earth,
and <with your own hands> you made the heavens.

11)They will disappear,
but you will remain;
they will all wear out like clothes.

12)You will fold them up like a coat,
and they will be changed like clothes.
You are always the same,
and your life never ends."

13)GOD NEVER SAID to any of his angels,
"Sit here <on my right side>
<until> I put your enemies

<as a footstool under your feet>."

They are spirits {who serve God}
and are sent by God to HELP THOSE
{who are to receive SLVATION}.

..............................................................[Hebrews] 01 ///


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