
Showing posts from October, 2018


  [Hebrews 08] [HEBREWS ]  希伯來書 08 Jesus Our High Priest  01 / The whole point {what we are saying of}  is that/ we have such a High Priest, {who sits at the right (of the throne) (of the Divine Majesty) (in heaven)}. 02/ He serves <as High Priest> <in the Most Holy Place> {that is in the real tent} {which was put up <by the Lord> <not by human hands>}.  03/ Every high priest is appointed to present offerings and animal sacrifices to God, <and so>, our High Priest must also have something to offer. 04 / <If> he were on earth,// he would not be a priest at all, <since> there are priests {who offer the gifts  (required by the Jewish Law)}.   05 / The work {they do <as priests>} is really only a copy and a shdow  (of what is in heaven).  ## It is the same <as> it was with Moses. <when> he was about to build the Sacred Tent,// God told him, "Be...

07) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書07) *GNB* ## The Priest Melchizedek// ## Another Priest like Melchizedek

  [Hebrews 07] [HEBREWS ]  希伯來書 07 [A] The Priest Melchizedek 01/ This Melchizedek was King of Salem and a priest of the Most High God. ## <As> Abraham was coming back <from the battle> {in which he defeated the four kings}// Melchizedek met him and blessed him. 02/ <And> Abraham gave a tenth (of all) {he had taken). @@ The first meaning (of Melchizedek's name) is "King of Righteousness"; <an> <because> he was King of Salem, his name also means "King of Peace".  03/ There is no record (of Melchizedek's father or mother or of any of his ancestors); no record (of his birth or of death). ## He is like the Son of God; he remains a priest <for ever>. 04/ You see,then,/ how great he was. Abraham,our ancestor,gave him a tenth (of all){he got/ in the battle}.  05 / <And> those descendants (of Levi) {who are priests} are commanded  <by the law> to collect a tenth  <from th...

06) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書06) *GNB* Let Us Go Forward// God's Sure Promise

  [Hebrews 06] [HEBREWS ]  希伯來書 06 [6A] Let Us Go Forward 01/ <Then> Let us go forward  to mature teaching and leave behind us the first lessons (for Christian message). 02/ We should not lay again the foundation (*of turning away from the useless works and of believing in God); (*of the teaching about baptisms and the laying on/ of hands); (*of resurrection of the dead and the eternal judgment).  03/ LET US GO FORWARD!  ## <And> this is what we will do <if> God allows. 04/ <FOR>  HOW CAN THOSE {WHO ABANDON THEIR FAITH} BE BROUGHT BACK TO REPENT AGAIN? 05/ *They were once in God's light; *they tested heaven's gift and received their share (of the Holy Spirit); *they knew from experience {that God's word is good},and *they  had felt the powers  (of the coming age).  06/ <THEN>, THEY ABANDONED  THEIR FAITH !!! ## IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BRING  THEM BACK TO REPENT ...

05) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書05) *GNB* Jesus in the Line of Succession to Melchizedek// Warning against Abandoning the Faith

  [Hebrews 05] [HEBREWS]  希伯來書 05 [A] Jesus in the Line of Succession        to Melchizedek 01/ Every high priest is chosen <from the fellow- men> and appointed to serve God <on their behave>, to offer sacrifices and offerings <for sins>. 02/ <Since> he himself is weak <in many ways>,// he is able to be gentle <with those> {who are ignorant and make mistakes}. 03/ <and> <because> he is himself weak,// he must offer sacrifices <not only> <for the sins of the people> <but also> <for his own sins>. 04/ No one chooses for <himself> the honour of being a high priest. ## It is only by God's call {that a man is made a high priest- <just as> Aron was. 05/ <In the same way>, Christ did not take upon himself the honour of being a high priest. ## <Instead>, God said to him, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father...

04) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書04) *GNB* God Sets The Word "TODAY"// Jesus the Great High Priest

  [Hebrews 04] [HEB REWS]   希伯來書 04 [4A] [God Sets The Word "TODAY"] 01/ <Since> God has offered us the promise {that we may receive that rest} {he spoke abouit}.  Let us take care/  that none of you will be found to have failed to receive that promised rest. 02/ <For> we have heard THE GOOD NEWS, <just as> they did.  They heard the message, <but> it did them no good, <because>  <when> they heard it, they did not accept it <with faith>. 03/ We {who believe},do receive that REST {which God promised}. It just as God said, "I was angry and made a solemn promise: "THEY WILL NEVER ENTER THE LAND {WHERE I WOULD HAVE GIVEN THEM THE REST}. ## God said this  <even though> his work had been finished <from the time>{he created the world}. 04/ <For> <somewhere in the Scriptures> this is said <about the seventh day>: "God rested on the seventh day...

03) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書03) *GNB* Jesus Is Great Than Moses //A Rest for God's people

  [Hebrews 03] [H EBREWS ]   希伯來書 03 [3A] Jesus Is Greater than Moses 01/ My Christian brothers, {who also have been called by God}. Think of Jesus, {whom God sent to be the High Priest of faith} {we profess}. 02/ He was faithful to God {who chose him to do this work} <just as> Moses was faithful <in his work in God's house>. 03/ A mam {who builds a house} receives more honor <than the house itself>. <In the same way> Jesus is worthy of much greater honor <than Moses>. 04/ Every house, of course, is built <by someone>, <and> God is the ONE {who has built all things}. 05/ Moses was faithful <in God's house> <as a servant> <and> he spoke of the things {that God would say in the future}. 06/ <But> Christ is faithful <as the Son> <in charge of God's house>. We are his house <if> we keep up our courage and confidence <in what we hope for>. ........

02) [HEBREWS] (希伯來書02) *GNB* The Great Salvation// The One Who leads to Salvation

  [Hebrews 02] [HEBREW S]  希伯來書 02 [A] The Great Salvation 01/That is  why we must hold on <all more firmly>  to the truth {we have heard},  <so that> we will not be carried away. 02/The message  (given to our ancestors <by the angels>)  was shown to be true,  <and>  those {who did not follow it or obey it}  received the punishment {he deserved}. 03/<Then>, how shall escape  if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? The Lord himself first announced this salvatio 04/<At the same time> God added his witness to theirs <by performing all kinds of miracles and wonders> <and> <by distributing the gifts of the Holy Spirit> <according to his will>. .............................................................................................//