[初一級] ## A003 [S口說1-150 ] [999句 順口溜] (01) Easy Spoken English

@[初級]## A003 [初級口說]
(999-A) Easy Spoken English

教師Mr.Paul Sunshine陽光保羅

(Exercise Your tongue)
[[[操練你的舌頭]]] !  !  !

01/I see. 我知道了。
     *You see? 你知道嗎?
       Yes,I see.
     *Do you see me你看見我嗎?
       Yes,I see you. /No,I don't see you.
02/I quit. 我不幹了! 
     *You quit?你不幹了?
       Yes,I quit.
03/Let me do it. 讓我來做。
     *Who does it? 誰來做?
       Let me do it.
       You really can do it?
04/Me too. 我也一樣。
     *How about you? 你呢?
       Me too.
       The same with you.
05/My God!天呀!
     *O My God ! 
       How can you do that?
06/No way! 不行! 
    *Can I do it? 我可以這樣做嗎?
      No way.
07/Come on!來吧!趕快!算了吧!
     *Come on in,please.請進來.
       Thank you.
08/Hold on. 等一下.
     Wait a moment.
09/I agree. 我同意。
     *Do you agree? 你同意嗎?
       Yes,I agree.
10/Not bad. 還不錯.
       How are you?
       Not so good. 不太好。
11/Not yet.尚末。
       Have you finished?你己經完成了?
       No,not yet.
12/See you.再見。
       Goodbye.See you.
       Take care.照顧自己.
13/So long. 再見
     Why so long?為何那麼久?
14/Shout up! 閉嘴。(Be quiet!)
15/Why not? 何不? 
     Why not do it?何不做?
16/Allow me. 讓我來
     Let me do it. 讓我來做。
17/Be quiet! 安靜!
18/Cheer up! 振作起來。
19/Good job! 做得好! 
     You *did a good job. 你做得很好。
20/Have fun! 玩得開心 !
21/How much? 多少錢?
     How long? 多久?多長?
22/I'm full.Thank you.
23/I'm home. 我回來
     Welcome home! 歡迎回來 !
24/Excuse me.  
     Excuse me. I'm lost.Where am I?
25/My treat. 我請客。(Be my guest.)
26/So do I. 我也做。
     So am I. 我也是。
27/This way,please. 這邊,請。
28/After you,please.請先行。
29/Bless you. 祝福你。
     May God bless you. 願神祝福你。
30/Follow me. 跟我來。
31/Forget it. 算了吧 !
32/Good luck to you. 祝你好運 !
33/I decline. 我拒絕.
     I decline to do it. 我拒絕做。
34/I promise. 我保證。
     I promise to do it. 我保證會做。
     *You promise?
       Yes, I do.
35/Of course. 當然。
     Of course not. 當然不。
36/Sit down. 坐下。
    Please have a seat. 請就座。
37/Take care.保重。
     Take of yourself. 自行保重。
38/They hurt. 傷口很痛。
39/Try it again. 再試一下。
40/Watch out! 當心 !(Be careful !) 
41/What's up? 有何鮮事?
42/Be careful! 小心。
43/Bottom up! 乾杯。
44/Don't move! 不許動。.
     Hands up ! 手擧起來 !
45/Guess what? 猜猜看,是什麼?
46/I doubt it. 我懷疑。
     I doubt/ that .......
47/I think so. 我也這麼想。
     I don't think so. 我不認為如此。
48/I'm single. 我是單身。
     I'm a single mother. 我是單母親。
49/Keep it up! 堅持下去。
     Keep on doing. 繼續做下去。
50/Let me see. 讓我想看看。
51/I'm sorry.  
     Never mind. 對不起。不要緊。
52/You have problem
     No problem. 你有問题嗎?
53/Anything else還有它事嗎?
    No,that's all. 無,就這樣。
54/Time is up. 時間到了!
55/What's new?=What's up
     Nothing special.有何鮮事。
56/You join us/me?  你加入嗎?
     Count me on.算我一份。
57/Don't worry! 不用煩惱。
58/Feel better覺得好點了嗎?
59/I love you.  
     I love you, too.
60/I'm your fan.我是你的粉絲。
61/Is this yours?  
     Oh,yes, thank you.
62/That's nice. 
     You did a good job!
63/Are you sure?
     Are you sure to come/You join?
64/Do I have to come?
     Yes,you do.
65/You don't look your age.
66/Take it easy.
67/Take your time.
68/Who knows?  
     No one knows.
69/What a pity! 
71/All the time
     Do you love me?   All the time!
72/Be careful!
     Be care of him.
73/Would you do me a favor? 
     With pleasure.
74/Help yourself.
75/I'm on a diet.
76/Keep in touch.
77/Time is money.
78/Who's calling,please
     It's me Jason.
79/You did right this time. 
    Thank you.
80/You turned me down.
81/Enjoy yourself.
82/Excuse me,Sir. Where can I wash my hands?
83/Give me a hand,please. 
     Would you please give me a hand,please?
84/How is it going?
85/I'm sorry. I have no idea.
86/I just made it.
87/I'll see to it.
88/It's my field.
89/It's up to you.
90/I'm in a hurry.
91/It's just wonderful/fantastic. 
     You did a good job !
92/How/What about you?
93/You owe me one.
94/You're welcome.
95/Any day will do.
96/Are you kidding?
97/Congratulations !
98/I can't help it.
99/I don't mean it.
100/I'll fix you up.
101/It sounds great!
102/It's a fine day.
103/It's not my day.
104/So far so good.
105/What time is it? 
       Do you have the time?
106/You can make it.
107/Control yourself.
108/He is sick in bed.
109/Don't lack courage.
110/How's everything with you.
111/I have no choice.
112/It's my treat.
113/I'll try it.
114/I'll try my best.
115/I'm on your side.
116/Long time no see.
117/No pain no gain.
118/Well,it depends.
119/We 're all for it.
120/What a good deal !
121/What should I do?
122/You asked for it.
123/You have my word.
124/Believe it or not!
125/Don't count on me.
126/Don't fall for it!
127/Don't let me down.
128/Easy come:easy go.
129/I beg your pardon.\
130/I beg your pardon./
131/I'll be back soon.
132/I'll check it out.
133/It's a long story.
134/It's Saterday today.
135/Just wait and see.
136/Make up your mind.
137/That's all I need.
138/The view is great.
139/The wall has ears.
140/There come a bus.
141/What day is it today?
142/What do you think?
143/Who told you that?
144/Are you kidding?
145/Yes,I think so.
146/You can't miss it.
147/Any message for me?
148/Don't be so modest.
149/Don't give me that.
150He's a smart boy.
..................................................................No.001-150 ///

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